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ABOUT Vision India Healthcare Foundation

Contribute for the Poor
Cancer Patients

Vision India Healthcare Foundation (VIHF) is a registered Non-Government Organization (under Societies Registration Act 21, 1860) with a pan India presence. The organization is dedicated to the cause of CANCER prevention and providing support to patients.
We need to synergize our joint efforts. In such a scenario what ever little is contributed by one and all is vital for Cancer Control, may it be in any form. Voluntary donations are our only source of funding; in absence of assistance from Government / others. In spite of all hurdles we have the credit of being the only organization working within the community at National Level for the prevention of Cancer Diseases. We have a mammoth task but the resources are meager. We need generous donations, blessings and everlasting cooperation so as to strengthen our hands in the fight against Cancer which attacks mankind like a terrorist.

Our Mission

our mission is to stand as a beacon of hope and support for those affected by cancer across India. Rooted in compassion, integrity, and a fervent commitment to make a difference. Also we stands united against cancer, striving to make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and communities. Through our mission, we envision a future where every person facing cancer receives the support they need and experiences a journey marked by resilience, hope, and healing. we believe that together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. Our mission is a call to action, an invitation to join hands in the fight against cancer and to bring hope and healing to every corner of India.

Our Vision

We envision a future where no one in India faces the challenges of cancer alone. Our vision is to create a society where every individual affected by cancer receives comprehensive support, compassionate care, and equitable access to resources. We are committed to leading the fight against cancer, driving awareness, promoting early detection, and providing a holistic network of assistance to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families. We invite you to join us on this journey towards a future where the burden of cancer is alleviated, and every individual can live a life free from the fear and impact of this disease. Together, let's strive for a cancer-free tomorrow.

let's start something for them

No One Has Ever Become
Poor From Giving

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